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Sunday, November 23, 2003

Scott McClellan's Dad is a Conspiracy Theorist?

Tony Adragna
It's true... Barr McClellan — father of White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan & FDA Commissioner Mark McClellan — has "evidence of the assassination conspiracy to benefit Johnson", and he wrote a book about it
The most compelling evidence of all, says McClellan, is not posted on the website but is presented in his book, due Sept. 30th from Hannover House. Photographs, personal memos and other legal records in the book document the payments and maneuvers orchestrated by Texas power broker Ed Clark Law Firm to compensate Wallace and others for their part in the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. The book also identifies the money-laundering corporation used by Johnson. The Clark Law Firm handled most of the personal, business and political transactions for then Vice President Lyndon Baines Johnson, who ascended to the role of President immediately following the death of Kennedy.

Barr McClellan represented President Lyndon Johnson and his interests from 1966 through 1971. He served primarily through Texas power attorney Edward Clark and Johnson business attorney Don Thomas, advising on political strategy, campaign contributions, attorney-client privilege issues, television and labor disputes. He was also personal attorney for Clark in seeking an assassination bonus from Big Oil interests in Dallas, an effort that included two major lawsuits.

McClellan’s insider knowledge of deals coordinated by the Clark Law Firm assisted in locating the evidence of the assassination conspiracy to benefit Johnson. A major breakthrough, McClellan reports, was the donation of thousands of unedited documents concerning L.B. J. from the Clark Estates to Southwestern University. The release of these documents helped lift the veil of client-attorney privilege that had blocked many researchers from understanding what happened surrounding the assassination and L.B.J.’s involvement.
Hmmm... maybe he can give us some answers about Big Oil & current Iraq policy [he asks with sarcasm]